Massage For Golfers

Massage For Golfers

Massage therapy can provide significant benefits for golfers in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Golfers in this area can enhance their performance and overall well-being through specialized massage techniques. Here are some ways massage can optimize your golf game in Coeur...
Ears, Antibiotics and Asthma

Ears, Antibiotics and Asthma

Yet Another Perfect Storm… The understanding and facts behind this topic are so clear and have been for so long, that it’s hard to believe every parent isn’t told the full truth about this all-too-common ‘Perfect Storm’ story.  What am I talking about? I’m...
Stressed Out, Worn Out Dads

Stressed Out, Worn Out Dads

Welcome Dads! There is no doubt a lot of hustle and grind of being a busy dad. So, I want to talk about the common tendency to accept poor health as just a part of being a dad. It’s not. We need to take care of ourselves so we can set a good example for our...